Between Friends

Speakers: Joi Bowling, Jenny Boyett, Debbie Causey, Esther Gray, and Brooklynn Warren
Length: 3 Parts

This three-part study is a conversation between friends about expectations, empathy, communication, conflict, and boundaries. As you watch and listen, you'll be reminded that there isn't just one "right way" to do friendship. Instead, your friendships will grow deeper and stronger as you continue to move toward the best version of yourself.

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Speaker: Joel Thomas
Length: 3 Parts

Great friendships are rare as adults. We go through most of our early years with built-in friendships, but then we’re thrown into the real world where it seems much harder to find and maintain them. Using three key concepts, we’ll discover how to create and cultivate meaningful friendships.

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Speaker: Reece Mashaw
Length: 1 Part

A limit is any barrier that comes between what we want and can actually get. After all, none of us like to hear “no.” While limits can feel like dead ends, they actually provide hidden opportunities.

Join us as we explore how the apostle Paul dealt with limits in his own life and discover the unexpected gifts that can come from our limitations.

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Make Room

Speaker: Samer Massad
Length: 4 Parts

Spiritual disciplines are any habit or practice designed to help us make room to experience more of God in our everyday lives. But for many of us and for whatever reasons, practicing spiritual disciplines has resulted in frustration, leaving us to wonder if experiencing more of God’s grace and power is reserved only for extra-spiritual people. In this study, we’ll unpack what it looks like to make room to experience more of God’s grace and transforming power in our lives through the practice of spiritual disciplines.

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Re-Assembly Required

Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts

Repairing relationships is a skill that must be learned. While we’re not in control of every relationship being fully restored, we can strive to have no regrets by acting on four decisions.

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Some Assembly Required

Speaker: Gavin Adams
Length: 3 Parts

"Some assembly required.” Quite possibly the worst three words in the retail language. But what about the church? The apostle Paul calls the church a body, not a building. We constantly hear it’s about a “personal relationship with Jesus.” So, is some assembly required? In this series, we unpack the history of the church gathering, evaluate if gatherings are even necessary, and decide what the church is for.

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Uncomfortable Conversations

Speakers: Jenny Boyett and Justin Elam
Length: 2 Parts

Uncomfortable conversations: everyone faces them, but most of us want to avoid them. In this study, we discover some variables that are key to handling difficult conversations effectively. In addition, we’ll share practical tools and approaches you can use.

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